Music and Memorial Day: An Underutilized Asset

May 29, 2023
For some, Memorial Day is about bbq, sporting events, and gathering for good times with friends.
For others it is a time of reflection. A reminder of loved ones lost and the enormous cost of freedom.
For some it can be both.
Music is a power tool that can be used to regulate your emotions regardless of where you fall on the emotional spectrum today.
To get the most value from your musical choices it is important to remember to be intentional about the music you choose.
It’s really not that difficult.
Let me show you what I mean.
Pick a person, a time, a place, a topic or situation.
I like to think of memory as a storage device that captures data generated by all of our senses. Smell, sight, hearing, touch, taste. For me, my memories are visual so I remember everything that I saw at that moment as well as what emotions I was feeling at the time.
If I am feeling melancholy I can use music that allows me to share my melancholy. Or, if I want to elevate my emotions I can use music of the time, place or situation to stimulate positive memories associated with the person or situation.
Decide how you want to feel and choose music that supports your choice. It may take more than one song but stick with it.
With search and streaming services the only thing preventing you from starting now is you.
Try it. You’ll be surprised.
#mlp23 #moremusic #mentalwellnessmonth #mentalwellness #trauma #stigma #PTSD #traumaawareness #traumakills #PTSDkills #mentalhealth

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