What Do You Do When You Feel Lost

Jun 13, 2023
What do you do when you feel lost?
Do you get depressed?
Do you get anxious?
Do you withdraw?
➡️ It is important to remember that many times these thoughts are a response to some situation that triggers the memory of a negative experience.
Fun fact: it is possible to change your thoughts by focusing your attention on positive memories.
Fun fact #2: Listening to music can activate those memories.
❇️ If you want to feel better - listen to, or make music. Your thoughts will change. Your body will change.
What’s more: if you move at the same time this change will occur quicker. Dance, even if you are standing still.
Immerse yourself in the experience and let go.
More music.
Less stress.
Feel Better.
#mlp23 #moremusic #mentalwellnessmonth #mentalwellness #trauma #stigma #PTSD #traumaawareness #traumakills #PTSDkills #mentalhealth

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